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High Uric Acid, Its Risk & Best Homeopathy Medicine For Gout

Uric acid is a by product produced by the liver during metabolism of purines, a group of organic compounds, which includes, among others, xanthine and hypoxanthine, which are present in several types of foods, especially those of animal origin. Approx 38% of the purines are obtained by the diet and the remaining 62% are produced by our own body.


Hence, a diet rich in purine may lead to significant increase in the amount of uric acid production by the liver, therefore diet is a major weapon against hyperuricemia.

Uric acid is a substance with a low solubilizing capacity. In general, the levels of UA in the blood need to be below 6.8 mg / dl so that it is fully diluted. The more that uric acid is above that limit, the greater the risk of it forming urate crystals and precipitating the joints.


Not everyone who has high uric acid ends up developing gout. It is not uncommon to find totally asymptomatic patients with UA levels around 9.0 or 10 mg / dl. This does not mean, however, that the risk is not high.

Patients with high uric acid present a greater chance of developing three types of disease:


Kidney stones.

Urate nephropathy.


Natural Homeopathy Treatment of Gout

It Is Dangerous To Have High Acid Acid?

When the blood level of uric acid is high, it is termed as Hyperuricemia, which is the main risk factor for the development of Gout,a form of arthritis.

Many patients having higher uric acid levels, but they never develop gout in there life. However, every patient with gout has high uric acid.

Diet To Lower Uric Acid

Any patient with UA levels greater than 7.0 mg / dl in men or 6.0 mg / dl in women should be encouraged to avoid foods rich in purines.

Some examples of foods to avoid are:

Meats: bacon, pork, veal, kid, lamb, kids (liver, heart, kidney, tongue).

Seafood: salmon, sardines, trout, cod, fish roe, caviar, seafood, oyster, shrimp.

Birds: turkey and goose.

Alcoholic beverages.

In addition to avoiding foods rich in purines, the patient should also try to lose weight (if he has a BMI above 25) and drink at least 3 to 3.5 liters of water per day.


Natural Diet For Gout: High Uric Acid

The Risk To Have High Acid Acid?

Hyperuricemia, a name that is given when the blood level of uric acid is high, is the main risk factor for the development of a form of arthritis called gout.

However, if we can say with some certainty that every patient with gout has high uric acid, the opposite is not true. Several patients have high levels of uric acid, but never develop gout attacks.

Uric Acid From An Evolutionary Point Of View

Gout is a disease that in the animal kingdom occurs almost exclusively in humans. This is because in large primates, especially humans, gorillas and chimpanzees, uric acid is the end product of purine metabolism. In other mammals, uric acid is transformed by the liver into allantoin, a substance that is much more soluble and easier to excrete.

The transformation of uric acid into allantoin is done through an enzyme called uricase. About 13 million years ago, the uricase-producing gene mutated, and the primate lineage that gave birth to chimpanzees, gorillas, and humans lost their ability to metabolize uric acid. Gout is, therefore, an evolutionary inheritance of early hominids.

As we humans usually have a diet rich in purines, we are the only species that ends up developing levels of blood uric acid above its capacity of dilution.

The concentration of Uric Acid in the blood is the result of the balance between production by the liver and the ability of the kidneys, and in smaller part of the intestines, to excrete excess uric acid. Most patients with hyperuricemia, therefore, have a diet rich in purines and / or a reduction in their renal capacity to excrete uric acid.

It is estimated that about 25% of men have UA levels above 7.0 mg / dl, a value from which we say that the patient has hyperuricemia. In women, the risk of hyperuricemia is lower because estrogen increases the renal capacity for UA excretion. In females, the limit of normality is 6.0 mg / dl.

The vast majority of patients with uric acid-related diseases are men. It is only after menopause that hyperuricemia is a problem for women.

When Uric Acid Should Be Treated

Hyperuricemia should be treated whenever the patient has any disease related to the deposition of urate crystals i.e. urate nephropathy, nephrolithiasis or gout.

There is no indication to treat patients with asymptomatic hyperuricemia, except in the following situations:

• Blood uric acid values persistently above 13 mg / dl in men or 10 mg / dL in women.

• Patients with hyperuricemia above 8 mg / dl and with urinary excretion of uric acid greater than 1100 mg per day.

1. Colchicum

2. Urtica Urens

3. Benzoic Acid

4. Ledum Pal

5. Antimonium Crud.

6. Sabina

7. Arnica

8. Berberis Vulgaris

9. Lycopodium

10. Rhododendron

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