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Homeopathy Medicine For cholesterol Treatment

Cholesterol is of interest and is even of concern because of its relationship with cardiovascular risk. In this article we will discuss, types of cholesterol, its causes and prevention along with Best Homeopathy Medicine For cholesterol Treatment.

Types of Cholesterol
First of all, it should be mentioned that not all cholesterol is bad. The one that is considered harmful to the body is one that cannot be eliminated and causes accumulations. Cholesterol needs lipoproteins to circulate in the blood due to its low solubility. The bad thing is the one that is associated with low-density lipoproteins or saturated fats. Good cholesterol is even useful to lower bad cholesterol in the body. It is associated with high-density lipoproteins or unsaturated fats. This good cholesterol is processed through the liver and subsequently excreted in the urine.

Bad cholesterol . It is related to the consumption of saturated fats, such as those contained in bacon, butter, milk, cheese, ice cream, cream, etc.
Good cholesterol . It is the one found in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats such as nuts, corn seeds, sunflower, soy, safflower, etc. in addition to its oils or olive oil; tuna meat, salmon, etc.
Currently it is considered that bad cholesterol should not be present in the body in more than 3 millimoles per liter of blood, while good cholesterol should be at least 1 millimole per liter. Cholesterol is produced in the liver, but it can also be ingested in a large number of foods.

Causes of High Cholesterol and How to Prevent It

  • The main causes of high blood levels of high cholesterol are:
  • Unhealthy eating:
  • A diet rich in fatty pork, lamb or beef, sausages with more than 20% fat, organ meats, shrimp, turkey, chicken, goose, etc.
  • Excessive consumption of vegetable oils made from palm or coconut.
  • Excess in the diet of dairy products such as whole milk, cream, butter, aged cheeses, etc.
  • Obesity.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Diabetes.
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Menopause
  • Smoking
  • Hereditary factors.

To prevent high cholesterol ...

  • Avoid being overweight.
  • Eat a balanced diet, especially based on fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Do exercise.
  • No Smoking.
  • How to Lower High Cholesterol
  • High cholesterol can be lowered relatively easily by improving eating habits, as long as it is not at levels that are too high to put the person's life at risk, in which case it is preferable to use medications and supplement with the diet. Once you have high levels of cholesterol in the blood, you should:
  • Reduce or eliminate excess weight by combining a healthy diet and exercise. In case of morbid obesity, it is necessary to consult a specialist doctor first.
  • Increase the consumption of foods rich in fiber.
  • Give up smoking.
  • Go to the doctor to prescribe an appropriate treatment.
  • The best time to start preventing high cholesterol is as a child, getting used to a good diet rich in fiber. This way you will not have problems in adult life. If you already have high cholesterol, it is still time to reduce the levels with diet and exercise, in addition to relying on natural remedies or medications that are necessary.

Best Homeopathy Medicine For cholesterol

  1. Cholesterolinum:- is homeopathic cholesterol. According to the homeopathic principle, the same cures the same.
  2. Calcarea carbonica ostrearum:-  is indicated in alterations in the metabolism of fats that are accompanied by excess weight, lack of flexibility, alternation of pathological but repetitive manifestations in the skin, digestive mucosa and joints (these worsen with wet cold) .
  3. Lycopodium clavatum:  is prescribed in fat metabolism disorders, especially if they are accompanied by digestive migraines, pain under the right floating ribs, irritability, poor digestion and drowsiness.
  4. Sulphur:- In alterations of fats in the blood with intolerance to heat and sweating, redness of the orifices (lips, edge of nostrils and eyelids ...), burning sensation in inflamed areas and itching that worsens with the heat of the bed.

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