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Top Homeopathy Medicine For Bronchial Asthma

Bronchial Asthma is a type of Respiratory allergy. Patient complaints of dyspnoea and constant suffocating cough . The main pathology involve behind these symptoms is chronic allergic inflammation of the bronchial mucosa.

Symptoms of Bronchial Asthma

1. Patient of bronchial asthma manifests following symptomatic picture.

2. The patient complains of bouts of wheezing

3. Periodic cough along with wheezing.

4. Above symptoms are felt at night, after exercise or after the patient comes into contact with an allergen.

Treatment of Asthma

In order to provide relieve the patient of bronchial asthma, two categories of medicines are used. The first is preventive medicine, and the second — the so-called emergency medicine.

Emergency Medicine

The drugs of the second group serve to alleviate a person’s condition during an attack. They expand the bronchi and thus temporarily relieve the patient from coughing. In general, however, to get rid of asthma, such remedies are not capable of, rather, on the contrary — they are harmful, as the addiction to the chemical substance increases every day, which means it is necessary to increase the dose. The patient simply becomes dependent on the medicine …

Treatment of Asthma with Homeopathic Medicine

Now a Days, a large number of people are interested in getting treatment of bronchial asthma with homeopathic medicines , and there is nothing strange about this. After all, patients want to be cured definitively, and not for a while.

Preparation for Relief of Asthma Attacks

To begin with, the remedies that have been used since the time of Hahnemann to relieve asthma attacks.The specific drug is selected based on the symptomatic pattern.

If asthma attacks are mostly observed at night and accompanied by fear, sweating, abdominal pain and sneezing, Sambucus will help in tincture and lower dilution.

In the case of attacks in the elderly, Lobelia is assigned in lower dilution.

If the attacks are accompanied by dizziness, the patient is sick, the face becomes pale and the whole picture resembles that of the cigarette smoked, then Tabacum will help.

When the cause of attacks — mental factors and the seizures themselves are accompanied by a trembling and nervous state, Ambra Grisea helps best.

Finally, if the attack comes along with shortness of breath, then Moskus is recommended in lower dilution.

Preparations For Use Between Asthma Attacks

The second category of homeopathic remedies is used for treatment during periods between attacks. These drugs relieve an acute attack and are used mainly at higher dilutions than the previous group.

If the attacks are mostly nocturnal, along with them the patient experiences anxiety, a burning sensation in the chest, itchy eyelids and dizziness, and also complains of urge to urinate, it is required to take Cuprum Arsenicum.

When the patient complains of shortness of breath and wheezing during seizures, and besides, after an attack a large amount of sputum is allocated, Ipecacuanha is given. Also ipecac patient complaints of dry cough in the morning, accompanied by nausea.

The need for taking Arsenicum Album and Arsenicum Iodatum will be indicated by night attacks with a burning sensation in the chest and chronic rhinitis.

If the asthma is accompanied by chronic bronchitis, and the sputum is dense, has a yellow tint and is difficult to separate, then Kalium Bichromicum gives wonderful result.

When the symptoms are as described above, but the sputum is abundant and viscous, Ammonium Carbonicum helps.

In case of asthma, elderly patients are recommended Lobolia.

If bronchial asthma is accompanied by vasomotor rhinitis, then Aralia is best to help.

When an ailment comes along with a menopause or menstrual disorders, it is necessary to take Actaea Rakemosa.

Sometimes there is a so-called hysterical asthma, in order to prevent her attacks, use Platinum.

If the patient complains of weakening and interruption of the voice during an attack, then Stamonium is best suited.

Attacks of asthma overtake the patient at night, but apart from this ailment, he suffers from skin diseases, Sulphur will be effective.

There is another type of asthma — hay, which is accompanied by itching and tickling in the nose. It often occurs in people working amongst stone dust, as a professional ailment. Silicea cures this asthma.

Dulcamara is a good homeopathic remedy for asthma, which attacks are more frequent in damp and cold weather.

If a patient has not only asthma, but hypertensive disease, then he is assigned Viscum Albumum.

When the patient complains of convulsions of all kinds, painful menstruation and high blood pressure, then you need to start taking Magnesium Phosphoricum.

We also add that the effectiveness of treatment of bronchial asthma depends largely on the professionalism of the treating physician. Only in case of an individual approach to the patient can you get a good result. Do not self-medicate this disease


Dr.Abhishek Kasana B.H.M.S- Punjab, M.D- Homeopathy, C.F.N- Delhi, Di (Hom) London, P.G.D.P.H- Chennai. M.D Aura Homeopathy Clinic India.

Few Important Homeopathic medicine used for Treating Bronchial asthma are given below:-

1. Arsenicum Album

2. Dulcamara

3. Cup Metallicum

4. Silicea

5. Sulphur

6. Tabacum

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