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Best Homeopathic Doctor for Kidney Failure

Best Homeopathic Doctor for Kidney Failure- Best Way to Maintain Kidney Health

What is kidney failure?

What is kidney failure?The kidneys are a pair of organs located in the lumbar region. Location of kidney- both sides of the spine. The role of the kidney is to remove the toxin substance from our body and to filter our blood. The kidneys help to expel toxins through the urine. When our kidneys no longer have the ability to filter waste from the blood competently, it leads to Kidney Failure. We have the best Homeopathic doctor for kidney failure treatment.  Factors that interfere with the health of our kidney and its function, including:

•      toxic exposure to medications and environmental pollution

•      Chronic diseases,

•      Dehydration, or

•      Trauma to kidney.

If our kidney does not do its work properly, our body will be overloaded with toxins. This can lead to kidney failure and even life-threatening if the disease is not treated. In India, more than 1 million cases are reported with chronic kidney complaints. Chronic renal disease is the end stage of renal disorder and also known as Renal failure disorder. Still, homeopathy treatment with the Best Homeopathy doctor for the kidney can reverse your health condition. Because chronic kidney complaints aren't healed without dialysis and kidney transplant. With the use of Homeopathy in your day-to-day life, you can safeguard your kidney from varied health issues and not let you reach chronic kidney disease. Aura, team of Best Homeopathic doctor for kidney failure is suggested for a safe response to other organs as well. Chronic kidney diseases occur due to various causes; still, some common causes, like Diabetes Mellitus and hypertension, lead to developing this ailment in your body. kidneys get damaged by:-

•              High blood pressure

•              Diabetes

•              Too much water intake or too less intake 

•              Consumption of alcohol

•              Increased sexual activity

•              Overuse of antibiotics 

•              Not heeding the urge to urination

•              Fear and fright 


What is chronic kidney disease?This is a disease condition of the kidney in which there is a continuing loss of kidney function. In the early stage of chronic kidney diseases, patients don’t recognize any symptoms even if the kidney functions are reduced by 75%.Causes Of Chronic kidney disease1. Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is the top cause of chronic kidney disease. The unusual rise in the level of blood sugar may lead to disturbance in the renal function.  If diabetes is not controlled properly, sugar builds up in the blood, reducing the filtering capacity of the kidneys. 

The incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus is increasing every year, the reasons for this increase could be associated with multiple factors such as: dietary changes, ageing population, obesity, glucose intolerance, high blood pressure , hypercholesterolemia and others .  

Diabetes Mellitus have a risk greater than 50% of having primary or secondary kidney diseases.    The incidence of CKD was high with a high preponderance of stage I, for which it is recommended to carry out community intervention studies in diabetic patients in order to reduce the risk of chronic renal failure and achieve that primary health care physicians increase the level of knowledge about the comprehensive treatment of this condition.

To prevent chronic kidney diseases, in diabetic cases, the Best Homeopathy doctor for the kidney asks you to follow a healthy lifestyle to keep your blood sugar levels in control.

In addition, through Homeopathic Treatment, the development of complications that a Diabetes Patient may have can be prevented or stopped, such as:

•      Diabetic retinopathy

•      Renal insufficiency

•      Diabetic neuropathy

•      Myocardial infarction

•      Stroke

•      Coronary heart disease

•      Diabetic cardiomyopathy, etc.

The Homeopathic Physician complements the best selected Homeopathic Medicine to stabilise the health of the patient with Diabetes Mellitus by recommending a sufficient diet that is primarily low in sugars, flours and fats, using sweeteners other than sugar.


2. Hypertension

Hypertension is also one of the top causes of chronic kidney disease. Hypertension damages the smallest blood vessels in the kidneys, preventing the kidney's filtering from working properly.

High blood pressure can lead to a much higher risk of heart attack, stroke, and many other serious diseases. Along with high cholesterol and smoking, hypertension is one of the leading causes of CKD. We have a number of homeopathy medicines in homeopathy, which can be selected on the basis of detailed case taking of the patient seeking treatment. 

Hypertension is an important predictive factor in the appearance of micro-albuminuria in diabetics. Higher blood pressure increases the work of the kidney which leads to renal failure. It is very common for a patient to have high blood pressure and diabetes , so the damage to the kidneys increases. 

3. Polycystic Kidney Disease

It is an inherited disease that causes disintegration of the kidneys, replacing the normal structure of the kidney cysts large, that eventually lead to a destruction of the kidney and thus a loss of function.

Chronic polycystic kidney disease, leads to permanent destruction of the kidney

We consider normal:

•      Up to age 30 years – If a patient has a maximum of two cysts in one kidney or 1 in both kidneys.

•      Between 30 and 60 years – If a patient has a maximum of two cysts per kidney.

•      From the age of 60 years – If patient have maximum of four cysts per kidney


4. Congenital kidney disease

A group of renal ailments with which a child is born. Congenital renal disease is passed down based on genetics. Common congenital renal diseases include:

•      Polycystic kidney disease :- Its types

•      Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). 

•      Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD). 

•      Unilateral renal agenesis (URA). where one kidney fails to develop in utero.

•      Bilateral renal agenesis (BRA). In this condition, both kidneys fail to develop in utero, leading to chronic kidney disease.

5. Glomerulonephritis

The glomerulonephritis are diseases that cause inflammation of the filtering units of the kidneys (nephrons). The glomerulus is the renal anatomical unit where the blood clearance or filtration function lies. If there is abnormal behavior, it can manifest itself in the form of a decrease in the volume of filtered blood (impaired renal function) or in the form of a loss of the property of selective filtration. The loss of selective filtration will lead, above all, to the elimination in the urine of different elements of the blood (such as red blood cells). In case of glomerulonephritis there is abnormal loss of blood proteins gamma globulin, albumin, etc. In the first case, there is usually a rapid deterioration of kidney function with a decrease in the amount of urine, this being highly pathological with the presence of red blood cells and cellular debris in the form of cylinders that can be observed under a microscope. As a consequence of these alterations, significant fluid retention may appear with the appearance of arterial hypertension and heart failure. 

Nephrotic syndrome usually evolves with preserved or slightly impaired kidney function but with a very significant loss of protein in the urine. This loss of protein through the urine leads to a decrease in the amount of protein in the blood with the appearance of edema due to the extravasation of water from the vessels, and to a compensatory response by the liver that when trying to counteract this protein deficit by making more, it causes a rise in lipid levels.

The most common symptoms are:

•      Red urine due to hematuria or dark brown in colour.

•      Decreased urine formation.

•      Increase in respiratory effort.

•      Headache, Hypertension, Tiredness.

•      Paleness of skin and mucous.

•      Edema.

What are the symptoms of kidney failure?

•      a reduced amount of urine;

•      swelling in the legs, ankles, and feet due to fluid retention caused by failure of the kidneys to remove sewage;

•      shortness of breath without any explanation;

•      excessive drowsiness or fatigue;

•      persistent nausea;

•      confusion;

•      chest pain or pressure;

•      seizures.

Homeopathic treatment for chronic kidney disease

As per allopathic mode of treatment, chronic kidney disease is an irreversible condition. As per allopathic, there is no specific cure for CKD. But, you can select Homeopathy to treat chronic kidney diseases after consultation with the Best Homeopathy doctor for the kidney. Using Homeopathy Medicine for kidney failure can help kidney patients in short duration. This is the reason a number of patients have opted for safer Homeopathic treatment for kidney failure. Let’s know about a few homeopathic medicines that are known for the most effective treatment in Kidney failure. Homeopathy medicine for Kidney disease gives emphasis on healing the whole body. Here are a few best homeopathy medicines for kidney disease treatment, And at Aura Homeopathy, we advise you to use these homeopathic medicines for Kidney failure.


Borehaavia Diffusa: It is a natural Homeopathy medicine which helps to reduce the inflammation in the kidney. It has a great role in prevention of kidney dysfunction. This medicine has proved to be very effective in kidney disease due to impaired kidney function. Patient complaints of dropsical condition along with high blood pressure and scanty urine.


Commiphora Mukul: It is a homeopathy medicine with diuretic properties and it is rich in antioxidants. It helps to reduce the risk of renal failure by preventing toxins collection in the kidney.

A good homeopathic doctor for kidney disease may also use other medicine such as Apis, Merc. Sol, Merc Cor, Phosp, El serum, etc to heal kidney problems. Along with natural herbs, you have to live a healthy lifestyle and eat a healthy diet to take care of your kidney. 

For kidney care with homeopathy, you can choose Best Homeopathy Medicine For Kidney failure. Moreover, you can visit Aura Homeopathy Clinic to get consultation from the Best Homeopathy doctor for kidney. You can opt for online consultation from an expert Homeopathy practitioner through skypee or phone call. Kidney Treatments -Aura Homeopathy is in a pursuit to bring therapeutic values of homeopathy herbs in curing chronic or acute renal diseases. The homeopathy medicine, diet plans, and physical exercise work in harmony with each other and form the basis of Best Homeopathy kidney treatment. At Aura we have a good track record of a large number of kidney disorder patients who got benefit with homeopathy medicines. Our homeopathy treatment for kidney failure has even stopped dialysis in kidney failure. Besides, our offline homeopathy clinic in Faridabad, near Delhi, India, you can opt for online treatment at the comfort of their home.

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