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6 Best Homeopathic Medicine For Genital Warts Treatment

Generally wart treatment is done by using acidic solution, like podowart, which leave stinging, burning and scaring. But as Aura Homeopathic Clinic & Research Centre India, if you want to get rid of Genital Warts permanently, you have to kill its pathological Cause. Homeopathy treatment is one of effective painless method that is side effect free and leaves no scaring.


Genital Wart Homeopathy treatment India

There are number of effective homeopathy medicine which are very effective. But patient often need a Doctor to diagnose, and treat it from root without pain and scar.

What is Genital Wart?

Genital warts are caused due to HPV human papilloma virus. It is referred to as condyloma acuminate. As per Dr.Abhishek Kasana M.D Homeopathy, wart represents the most common sexually-transmitted disease caused by a virus. The virus is spread when contact is made with the skin where the outer layer has been compromised — either due to moisture or trauma. There are patient being diagnosed with this disease all over the world.

Genital warts affects female at a faster rate as compare to males. According to a recent research more than 45% of sexually active women suffered from this disease in their lifetime. Venereal warts are most commonly caused by HPV types 6 and 11. Malignancy is strongly associated with types 16, 18, 31, and 33. Transmission is both sexual and non-sexual.

This is a highly contagious virus that is transmitted from person to person during sexual contact. Genital Warts is an equal opportunity variety that will affect either gender, any race, any social status, and any sexual orientation.

Symptoms Of Genital Warts

Many people are unaware what the symptoms are and are devastated when they find out. Genital warts generally appear in moist tissues that are found around the genital areas of men and women. The warts usually start out very small. The lesions are filiform or sessile shaped. They are soft, skin-colored sometimes pink, red, or brown macules, papules, or plaques. These can be pinpoint or apple size. The warts can be alone, in grape-like clusters, or form a cauliflower-like mass. Genital warts can be found in the mouth and the throat of people who have had oral contact with an infected person.

Many people become infected after having contact with an infected person once, while other people don’t become infected until they’ve had contact for several weeks. What is known is that 2/3 of people who come in contact with the disease become infected and 2/3 of those people will become symptomatic within nine months.



Male Genital Wart

In men, genital warts can infect the urethra, penis, scrotum, and rectal area.

Genital Warts In Women



Genital Wart Homeopathy Treatment

In women, genital warts have a similar appearance and usually occur in the moist areas of the vaginal opening and labia minora . Proper examination of cervix, labia majora, vaginal cavity, cervix and anorectal area must be done by the physician.

Most vaginal warts occur without symptoms. Rarely, women may experience bleeding after sexual intercourse, itching, or vaginal discharge.

Medical Diagnosis Of Genital Warts

1.      Currently there is no special test for Genital Warts. To be diagnosed with genital warts you need to have visible warts for your doctor to see.

2. If you aren’t sure whether or not you have genital warts, you should make an appointment with your doctor. Your doctor can look at the infected area and tell you on the spot if you have been infected with the disease or not.

3. Special laboratory tests can also be used to confirm the presence of HPV infection.

4. Sometimes, lesions are only visible with an enhancing technique called acetowhitening. This technique involves the application of 5% acetic acid solution to the area of suspicion for about 5–10 minutes. Infected areas will turn white.

5. A routine Pap smear should always be done in order to look for evidence of HPV infection and abnormal cells on the cervix.

6. Magnification of the area (colposcopy) using a scope may be necessary to see the lesions. In females, a colposcope may be used to look for lesions in the vaginal canal and on the cervix.

7. A biopsy can be performed if the lesion appears unusual or recurs after treatment.

Are Genital Warts Serious?

Genital Warts can sometimes cause a woman to have a pap smear that is not normal, Sometimes. Warts on the cervix (opening to the womb), can be a problematic as (including changes that have been linked to cancer). For this reason, women with warts on the cervix should have a pap smear test once or twice a year.

It is also recommended that men and women who have warts on or inside the anus should have an exam every year. A person who has Genital Warts should always seek medical attention right away. Do not leave it or you may end up looking like this, which is very very painful.

Why Aura Homeopathy For Genital Warts?

Besides going to the doctor to have these wart burned off which is short term, but chances of recurrence is very high, I would like to recommend Homeopathic medicine, which works the best and is the most reliable remedy for genital warts.

Aura Homeopathy Wart Treatment boosts your immune system so your body can fight off the warts naturally like it should. You take medicated homeopathic globules few times a day and slowly the warts start to go away. It took a few 2–3 months for all of the warts to completely go away after starting the treatment. The best thing is that they does not return at all.

6 Top Used Homeopathic medicine For Warts:-

To begin with, the remedies that have been used since the time of Hahnemann to cure genital warts. The specific individualized homeopathic medicine is selected based on the symptomatic pattern. Six Important Homeopathic medicine used for Treating Genital Warts are given below:-

1. Calcarea carbonica,

2. Causticum,

3. Dulcamara,

4. Natrum muriaticum,

5. Nitric acidum, and

6. Thuja occidentalis.

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