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Asthma & Allergies Homeopathy Treatment

Growing Respiratory Allergies in Children and Role of Homeopathy

Asthma and Allergies in Children:

Asthma is inflammatory disease of the airways of the lungs due to inflammation of the airway passages because of this a person can feel difficulty in breathing.  Asthma is very common in children in comparison to adults. If any kid is suffering from asthma then many of their actions are being restricted like playing or doing activities where lots of strength or strenuous breathing is required.

Dealing with diseases like asthma, Aura Homeopathic remedies are best for Asthma treatment, as there are no side effects. Children are very sensitive and innocent so giving those hard Allopathic medicines could affect them badly so it would be better to deal with them mildly and in a sophisticated way.  Taking Aura homeopathic treatment is not only safe and successful but also a healthy way of dealing with Asthma mildly as homeopathic medicines are toxicologically free because they are driven from natural substances.

Symptoms of Asthma in children:

The characterized and common symptoms of asthma in kinds are tightness of chest, wheezing, breathlessness and cough. Symptoms can increase with exertion and at night, the intensity could trigger out with change in weather condition, infection and in polluted area.

Aura Homeopathy Research:-After examining thousand and thousand patients suffering from various allergies including Respiratory Allergies such asTonsillitis (Enlarged or swollen tonsils), Enlarged adenoids, Allergic rhinitis , Nasal polyps, Laryngitis, Sinusitis, Pharyngitis. And Skin allergies such Urticaria or Hives or Nettle rash, Atopic Dermatitis or Eczema.

We Have concluded that:-

1. Importance of Family History in Homeopathy treatment :-Allergies are Inheriting Genetic Conditions -  Means Allergies run in families, we get each and every good and bad characters from the family through genes.

2. Role of External factor in your Disease Condition:-External Factors such as insecticides, Pesticides, dust,pollution, exposure to chemicals, sudden change of temperature are the exciting factors. A lot of patients ask us if we were in a group and all of us take cold drinks but only two of us are having respiratory allergies. Reason behind is clear – you are predisposed to Allergies due external factors if you have a strong family history of the same.

3. Link between Skin or Respiratory allergies/ Why your Allopathy doctor prescribe same anti-Allergic/ Anti Histamic medicine such as Avil, levo-cetrizine, Allegra, Montair, etc for both Allergic bronchitis (Respiratory Allergy) and skin eczema(Skin Allergy) :-Skin allergies and Respiratory allergies goes hand into hand, that means in maximum cases you can find link between both allergies, Clinical case1. Patients suffering from Asthma on taking detailed Case taking following facts come out. His father was suffering from eczema and grandmother was having Asthma too.

That means If a person suffers from any respiratory allergy, then chances of getting either respiratory or Skin allergy in family history is very high. The chances of skin and respiratory allergies are very high in their offspring.

4. Allergies Strike when Immunity is Low:- Chances of getting affected by allergies is high when you are low in Immunity. Our clinical study says that a female is more prone to allergy in following condition:-

a) During menarche Start of Menses.

b) During Childbirth

c) During Menopause

d) Injury with loss of blood or Mental trauma.

e) Disease like malaria, Typhoid, Jaundice, etc.

f) Change of Climate /Temperature:- October-November and March-April.

Homeopathic medicine for Allergies and Asthma:

Out of all diseases, Allergies are very common and asthma itself is a form of Allergy. In addition, it can co exist with some other symptoms of skin allergy or nasal allergy. Allium cepa, Arsenic and Histaminum are one of the top homeopathic medicines for asthma with nasal allergy.

There is no Inhaler available for Asthma in Homeopathic medication. As homeopathy treatment concept has differ way of dealing with diseases so inhaler will go against the basic principle of homeopathy. The best part of any homeopathy treatment is that there are no side effects of it and its medication has no high toxic effect on the human body.


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Johanee, Brisbane Australia
Hi, myself Johanee,from Australia. I was having Renal stones from many year years. 3 Years back, I got them surgically removed, but in 2017 they again started to bother me. After my USG report i get to know that am having 8mm, 12mm and 13 mm stone in right kidney lower pole, my Physician told me to go for surgery again. As per my physician, the kidney stone can occur again and again. So, I decided to try alternative treatment and looked at Aura Homeopathy Treatment. I booked online appointment with Dr.Abhishek after detail case taking by Dr.Abhishek, i decided to order for his 6 months medicine, after placing order, i got my medicine delivered in 7 days, in Good packing. Within 3 weeks of treatment, the pain decrease and keep on reducing. After 45 days of treatment i found few concretion in my urine and i cross check through repeating my USG done that surprisingly shows me amazing results - Stone reducing in size to 4mm, 10mm, and 9mm. Now I am very confident that I will get rid of my kidney stone soon.

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